Three hidden Covid Risks: Uber Drivers, Break Rooms, “Empty” classrooms

ViralHelmets @
2 min readJan 9, 2021

Following up on my previous article, I’m making more graphics about the “1 hour rule” — a simple idea to help people think about airborne COVID transmission.

If you want me to make a graphic, please go ahead and pitch it to me in the comments.

For #3: I know Uber drivers must wear masks on trips. And riders probably do too. But, there’s a hidden risk: once the passenger leaves, does the Uber driver mistake that they are safe? If #CovidIsAirborne, that means they need to air out the car first. (You don’t have to air it out for 1 hour. 1 hour is how long it might linger with windows closed.)

For #2 the teacher story, see the tweet below. Teachers, I’ve heard, take off their mask right when their students leave. This is like taking off glove when you’re only 1/2 done with the dishes.

For #1 the break room issue, everyone takes off their mask to eat. And if they cough (because they are alone) and spew virus, that stays in the air. It doesn’t leave when they leave. It stays and lingers.


Also, the group of scientists tweets on Twitter under the hashtag #CovidIsAirborne. So go there to read about the science. I’m tagging graphics I make with #CovidIsAirborneGraphics. Like this one.

Before you accuse me of spreading misinformation, see this quote from the CDC:

Smaller droplets and particles (formed when small droplets dry very quickly in the airstream) that can remain suspended for many minutes to hours and travel far from the source on air currents.

source: (accessed Jan8, 2021)



ViralHelmets @

Entrepreneur and former professor. Working on projects to help move the needle for good, during the coronavirus pandemic, 2020.